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Jawbone Canyon - Mojave Desert

February 14th, 2021

Valentine's Day

Packed and ready.

I’m excited about taking Blue River for her first trial week on the open road. It happens to be Valentines weekend what a great way to start my self love doing what I love. I decide to head south instead of north because of a winter storm that is headed to Reno, Nevada. My destination to the south is Death Valley. I researched where to stop for my first night and made a decision to camp on BLM Land (Jawbone).

I pull in late jamming to Pat Benatar’s “Love is a Battlefield”. The song seems to fit the landscape at first glance. Once parked and settled I see why they call this place Jawbone. The lights from LA illuminate the mountain range and I can see the shape of a Jawbone.

At 3am I wake up to my van shaking and my windows rattling. I’m in a wind storm! I didn’t realize by missing the storms in the north I was putting myself in another weather alert area. I can’t believe I didn’t check the weather (note to self, always check the weather.) The mighty wind from the desert has me startled. I look outside my window and I see embers shooting by. I immediately head outside because I think there is a fire. A few yards away the neighbor’s camp fire is not completely burnt out. The embers have lit brush fires all around my van and the fire is spreading. I quickly grab my water jugs that I happen to have to douse the flames. Mission completed but I’m wide awake.

At 8am the wind is still howling but I must take my dog (Monroe) for a morning walk. The sun is shining even with the wind blowing so fast. I do enjoy how pretty the landscape is in the daylight. I tell the neighbors what happened last night and tell them to make sure to completely put out the campfire before they go to bed.

I need coffee ASAP.

(760) 373-2773

32629 Highway 14 Cantil, CA 93519

I could write a whole book about Jawbone canyon store. It is a must if you’re driving from Mojave to Death Valley on highway 14 not just a place to get gas. They have live bands playing in the back and you easily feel like you’re a character from a Mad Max movie. I suggest you stop and have your own experience with this random gas station in the middle of nowhere.

Next stop Red Canyon.

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1 comentário

23 de fev. de 2021

I loved reading this and looking at your amazing pics! I ❤

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